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Instagram IOS Insta

Welcome To IOS Instafusion

It appears that Instagram is experiencing direct message (DM) issues within the app, as per Meta Business Suite alert.

If you are facing message bug meta suite alerts users to message with meta bussines sutie

Click Here To Get New Alpha Version

Click Here To Get New Alpha Version ⚠️ALPHA⚠️ Name: Instagram Type: ALPHA Version: 355. Vercode:375505372 insta-fusion.blogspot…

Instagram will stop recommending political content

Instagram will stop recommending political content Meta has already been deprioritizing political content across its social apps, inclu…

Time to remove all 2894 potential spam Instagram followers❌

#Instagram is working on the ability to create an #AI friend 👀

#Instagram is working on the ability to create an #AI friend 👀 #Instagram keeps working on the abi…

#Threads is working on the ability to take pictures directly from the thread composer 👀

On my private Instagram account, there's an option to publish a photo directly to the profile, with the ability to choose not to show it on the feed.


#Instagram keeps working on school communities 👀Here's the school settings section 👇

# Instagram is working on school communities 👀 # Instagram keeps working on school communities 👀   Here's the school settings s…
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