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#Instagram is working on the ability to create an #AI friend πŸ‘€

#Instagram is working on the ability to create an #AI friend πŸ‘€

#Instagram keeps working on the ability to create your personal #AI bot by adding the ability to avoid specific topics πŸ‘€

β„Ή️ Your AI excludes general unsafe topics by defaul
#Instagram continues to work on the ability to create your #AI bot by introducing a feature for AI memory expansion πŸ‘€

β„Ή️ Edits you make will be added to your AI knowledge base and could be used for future responses

#Instagram keeps working on the ability to create your #AI bot by adding a section where you can add facts about yourself that you'd like your AI to know πŸ‘€

#Instagram keeps working on Your AI, your personal #AI bot that will be able to automatically respond to messages in chats πŸ‘€

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